Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Values of Free Expression Individual Self-Fulfillment

The eight values of free expression all hold their own importance. They all have their role they play in the free expression that we have the right to. The Marketplace of Ideas or the “Discovery of Truth” puts emphasis on the truth. The truth is thought to always win out over false information. This puts a lot of faith in man-kind and this value honors the truth. Participation in Self-Government revolves around having an informed electorate. This means that the people who vote will only make wise and informed choices if the candidate is able to fully communicate their positions. The third value, Stable Change is about society being able to speak their mind, which is a right that is important. The fourth value though, Individual Self-Fulfillment is what I find to be the most important and inspiring. Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent all have their own reasons for being important, meaningful, and inspiring; but the fourth value really stuck out to me.

Individual Self-Fulfillment, also known as Self-Actualization is about creating your own identity. We have the right to free speech and this is what enables individuals to express themselves and therefore create who they are. They get to create their own identity which is an inspiration. Self- fulfillment is defined as the ability to make yourself happy and complete through your own efforts. As a college student working to complete their degree, I can understand the importance of paving your own path and finding who you are. From freshman year, to now senior year, I have grown and changed and become myself all because of the choices I have made and paths I have taken. I have the right to my own identity. Free speech is so important because it lets you be yourself and that is why this fourth value of Self-Fulfillment is so important.

A current example of a young person becoming who they are because of free speech is Greta Thunberg. She is 17 years old and standing up for what she believes in and fighting for her beliefs. As she does this, she is self-fulfilling her values. She is a young girl with a voice and she is becoming herself by using her voice. She shares her opinions and thoughts all the while becoming who she is. In the article attached to this post, it is said that Great Thunberg is trademarking her brand. This means that she is being who she is by voicing her thoughts. Nothing is stopping her from her self-fulfillment.


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