Friday, January 24, 2020

First Amendment in Action

The First Amendment plays a role in everyday life. A dispute among American Airlines’ Philadelphia Pilots and their CEO is just one news story that relates to the communication world and the rights held under the Constitution’s First Amendment.

American Airlines pilots have been losing confidence in Doug Parker, their CEO. In 2013 there was a merger between American Airlines and US Airways. With the big changes happening in both companies, the pilots of the new American Airlines supported Doug Parker’s plans for the business even though they had some reservations. Since then the pilots have been growing more and more unhappy with the performance of the company. “It’s in the best interest of the American Airlines shareholders, employees, communities it serves, and the traveling public for Doug Parker and his management team to be replaced.” (Reed, 2020). The pilots have made their position clear and want action to be taken.

Under the First Amendment is the freedom of assembly and speech which protects the pilot’s actions in the company dispute. The national union plans to fight for the replacement of the CEO. Shares have fallen, performances have been trailing, and analysts are questioning the financial decisions the management team has been making. They want improvements to be made and changes to be done to better ensure the job security, financial returns, and service for costumers. The pilot’s stance is going against senior management, but because of their rights under the First Amendment, they are protected and allowed to say what they believe and stand together against the CEO.

Studying communication makes me understand the importance of having your voice heard and standing up for what is right or what you believe in. I believe that the pilots are doing what is right and what is at the best interest for the company as a whole. They are going about the situation in a professional manor and doing what is right. The negotiations and demonstrations the pilots are doing to help benefit the company shows the First Amendment in action.

Works Cited
Reed, T. (2020, January 22). American Airlines' Philadelphia Pilots Call for CEO's Removal. Retrieved from

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