Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fake News and the Coronavirus

Fake news is old news. We know what it is and we have heard so much about it. When it comes to fake news and the novel coronavirus, Dr. Thomas Ken Lew says, “The internet is a wellspring of hoaxes, half-truths and misinformation on the coronavirus. No age group is immune, and we all need to be skeptical”. Just one more thing to think about in this stressful situation.

The coronavirus pandemic is taking the nation by storm. Everyone’s lives have just been halted, thrown around and disrupted. The virus has gone global and people have been scared, annoyed, upset, etc. It is not a light subject and it is all the news sources talk about. People want to stay up to date on the changes and effects that are happening. People also want to do whatever they can to stay healthy. With this, comes the wave of fake news revolving around Covid-19.

In an article, I found they shared a story of their father telling them that if you could hold your breath for 10 seconds, you were proven to not be infected by the coronavirus. This information is not just wrong; it is also potentially dangerous. The 70 year old father got the information from Facebook; of course. The internet is full of sources and knowledge on the subject, but unfortunately it is also full of fake news on the virus.

With such a serious subject, you would think that there would not be fake news about it. But that is just not the case. You must be checking sources and reports. When you should be worrying about the pandemic, you also have to worry about whether the information you see is true or not. Just remember to stay smart and stay safe.

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