Friday, April 17, 2020


The theme of privacy has become more and more popular over the past years. It is the most vexing issue of the digital age. As discussed in my post the week before, part of the problem when it comes to privacy is the information we voluntarily put online. Then another part of the problem is how companies like Facebook use that information we gave them. Clearly there is more to the problem and that is just the beginning.

Today's technologies enable people, corporations and governments to violate our privacy on a massive scale. Technology is a great thing and has changed lives for the better; but also for the worst.
As stated in Juan Enriquez Ted Talk, your online life is as permanent as a tattoo. Jan Enriquez looks at the permanent effects of digital sharing on our personal privacy. He says that tattoos are loud. There is not much that needs to be said, because the tattoo says it all. He then compares it to social media platforms. He calls the information of these platforms are electronic tattoos. Meaning that they provide much information just like a tattoo would. The companies have so much information about people that can be scary. The technology knows your preferences, face, and personal data and info.

He then talks about the Greeks because the Greeks have though about gods, humans and immortality for a long time. Sisyphus, Orpheus and Eurydice are examples he compares to the issue of technology.  Such as the electronic reputation, past history, and accomplishments or failures. When posting or sharing information on platforms, users must be aware of the consequences that can come with it. He ends by saying we are all threatened with mortality because of the electronic tattoos we all have.

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