Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Antiwar voices are rarely heard in the media, especially in today’s mainstream news. This is something that is known, but not thought about. People do not watch the news and think, where are the antiwar opinions? When it is thought about though, people know antiwar opinions and news segments or articles are not prominent. This comes from people and their knowledge, from people’s fear of being an outcast, and from the strong, uncommon opinions.

A common human trait is the fear of being wrong. When it comes to international affairs and antiwar topics, many people are not up to date on what is happening or aware of the information within the topic. People also do not like talking about topics when they do not have all the information. Sometimes, war information is not always known to the public and therefore it is not always shared in media. All of this together makes it harder for media sources to collect and share news in regards to strong antiwar views.

Another reason antiwar sites and news are not commonly heard about is because it stands out, is controversial and can go against the government. Since antiwar voices are not common, they stand out and go against the “norm”. It can cause controversy which can make a problem for media outlets. Since it also can go against government views, it can cause issues and stand out even more. Media sources do not like to be put in the line of fire, and that is what can happen when the strong antiwar views are shared.

While everyone has the freedom of speech, antiwar opinions seem to be kept low key. Their opinions are valid and can be shared or heard, but they are not because of the controversy and strong un-common opinions they bring.

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