Friday, February 21, 2020


Steve Jobs created the legendary iPod in 2001. It was not the first MP3 player ever made, but it was the best. He felt that other MP3 players on the market were lacking. He said that there could be better, and he was right. He set out to find a solution to the portable music problem he saw. With many mock ups and meetings to develop the device the iPod was eventually created. It is a portable, digital, audio player that you can download songs on to, and then listen to those songs anywhere with the device. It was a game changer.

The device became a must have for people everywhere. It was the new gadget that actually made a difference and impacted people’s lives when it came to listening to music. When the device hit the market, it was a different world than what we know today. The world of computing and portable devices was not the same in 2001 when the very first version of the iPod came out. There was no social media like Facebook and Twitter, no apps, and no iPhones. The iPod was the start of the technology social media world. Since then, technology has been developing and changing rapidly and the iPod had to keep up. There were 7 generations of the iPod made. About 26 different versions of it were made to keep up with the growing demand and constantly changing technology market. This is proof that the iPod was popular and successful. It also shows that the iPod kept up with the ever changing technology market.
Music is a big part of everyone’s life, and therefore, the iPod was a huge hit. Music can bring people together, lift moods, and lower levels of stress. With all of these benefits, music should be easily accessible. Steve Jobs knew this and knew what people needed before they did. The iPod revolutionized the way people can listen to music. Instead of carrying around a CD player or radio, they now could carry around their personally created playlists in their pockets. Music was more easily shared and listened to.

Technology has connected people like never before, and the iPod is part of that. Along with the iPod came iTunes which is where music could be downloaded from. So easily people were able to share there music with the world and listen on the device Steve Jobs made famous. Without the iPod ever being created, music would not be the same.

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