Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Ray Tomlinson created email in 1971. This medium was made to help people communicate. Before text messaging was a tool, email became the popular form of quick communication with use of a computer. Ray Tomlinson saw a need to easily communicate with others without the use of a phone call so he created and developed email as part of a program for ARPANET.

The pros of email are tremendous. To start, email is free! Once you are online, there is no further expense that you need to spend to create and email and send and receive email messages. This connected people in ways technology usually does not. Technology typically costs money, but now anyone could email without cost if they have access to a computer. Along with that, email is quick and easy. Messages are typed and sent then received in no time at all. It also allows for easy referencing. This means that messages can be stored and searched through safely and easily. Lastly, email is paperless. It is beneficial for the planet by reducing the amount of paper that would be used if emails were all sent by the post office mail. The use of email is beneficial for the communication world and has many pros regarding its use.

There are some cons when it comes to email though too. Email lacks personal touch. Some things can be typed and sent quickly but other messages should be written or relayed in person. This comes with judgment on the message you are wanting to send. There can also be some misunderstandings which is something that happens when messages are sent via a technology medium. Recipients can misinterpret information because they are reading a written message rather than hearing what someone is saying in person.

Email is still popular today. Even with the development of other messaging systems, email remains intact and highly used. This proves that email is a useful and helpful tool that will probably continue to be used for years to come.


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