Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Ray Tomlinson created email in 1971. This medium was made to help people communicate. Before text messaging was a tool, email became the popular form of quick communication with use of a computer. Ray Tomlinson saw a need to easily communicate with others without the use of a phone call so he created and developed email as part of a program for ARPANET.

The pros of email are tremendous. To start, email is free! Once you are online, there is no further expense that you need to spend to create and email and send and receive email messages. This connected people in ways technology usually does not. Technology typically costs money, but now anyone could email without cost if they have access to a computer. Along with that, email is quick and easy. Messages are typed and sent then received in no time at all. It also allows for easy referencing. This means that messages can be stored and searched through safely and easily. Lastly, email is paperless. It is beneficial for the planet by reducing the amount of paper that would be used if emails were all sent by the post office mail. The use of email is beneficial for the communication world and has many pros regarding its use.

There are some cons when it comes to email though too. Email lacks personal touch. Some things can be typed and sent quickly but other messages should be written or relayed in person. This comes with judgment on the message you are wanting to send. There can also be some misunderstandings which is something that happens when messages are sent via a technology medium. Recipients can misinterpret information because they are reading a written message rather than hearing what someone is saying in person.

Email is still popular today. Even with the development of other messaging systems, email remains intact and highly used. This proves that email is a useful and helpful tool that will probably continue to be used for years to come.


Friday, February 21, 2020


Steve Jobs created the legendary iPod in 2001. It was not the first MP3 player ever made, but it was the best. He felt that other MP3 players on the market were lacking. He said that there could be better, and he was right. He set out to find a solution to the portable music problem he saw. With many mock ups and meetings to develop the device the iPod was eventually created. It is a portable, digital, audio player that you can download songs on to, and then listen to those songs anywhere with the device. It was a game changer.

The device became a must have for people everywhere. It was the new gadget that actually made a difference and impacted people’s lives when it came to listening to music. When the device hit the market, it was a different world than what we know today. The world of computing and portable devices was not the same in 2001 when the very first version of the iPod came out. There was no social media like Facebook and Twitter, no apps, and no iPhones. The iPod was the start of the technology social media world. Since then, technology has been developing and changing rapidly and the iPod had to keep up. There were 7 generations of the iPod made. About 26 different versions of it were made to keep up with the growing demand and constantly changing technology market. This is proof that the iPod was popular and successful. It also shows that the iPod kept up with the ever changing technology market.
Music is a big part of everyone’s life, and therefore, the iPod was a huge hit. Music can bring people together, lift moods, and lower levels of stress. With all of these benefits, music should be easily accessible. Steve Jobs knew this and knew what people needed before they did. The iPod revolutionized the way people can listen to music. Instead of carrying around a CD player or radio, they now could carry around their personally created playlists in their pockets. Music was more easily shared and listened to.

Technology has connected people like never before, and the iPod is part of that. Along with the iPod came iTunes which is where music could be downloaded from. So easily people were able to share there music with the world and listen on the device Steve Jobs made famous. Without the iPod ever being created, music would not be the same.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Antiwar voices are rarely heard in the media, especially in today’s mainstream news. This is something that is known, but not thought about. People do not watch the news and think, where are the antiwar opinions? When it is thought about though, people know antiwar opinions and news segments or articles are not prominent. This comes from people and their knowledge, from people’s fear of being an outcast, and from the strong, uncommon opinions.

A common human trait is the fear of being wrong. When it comes to international affairs and antiwar topics, many people are not up to date on what is happening or aware of the information within the topic. People also do not like talking about topics when they do not have all the information. Sometimes, war information is not always known to the public and therefore it is not always shared in media. All of this together makes it harder for media sources to collect and share news in regards to strong antiwar views.

Another reason antiwar sites and news are not commonly heard about is because it stands out, is controversial and can go against the government. Since antiwar voices are not common, they stand out and go against the “norm”. It can cause controversy which can make a problem for media outlets. Since it also can go against government views, it can cause issues and stand out even more. Media sources do not like to be put in the line of fire, and that is what can happen when the strong antiwar views are shared.

While everyone has the freedom of speech, antiwar opinions seem to be kept low key. Their opinions are valid and can be shared or heard, but they are not because of the controversy and strong un-common opinions they bring.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Fake News

Fake news has been a hot topic over the past few years. Social media is booming and with that comes the risk of fake news and it being spread rapidly across platforms. Facebook is one of the biggest platforms with fake news running all over it. The social network has been criticized time and time again; it has constantly been making headlines due to the spread of misinformation on the site. They have been working on the glitches and continuously updating their policies to put an end to the cycle of misinformation being created and spread and these steps have been making progress.

Though, another glitch has been found and has to do with the edible link feature Facebook has. Along with this, private Facebook groups are becoming an issue when it comes to creating and spreading the fake news. These issues are known by the company, but what is it going to take for the fake news to actually disappear and the problem officially be solved?
As a college student, I get most of my news and information through social media platforms. I know that many other people around my age do the same. Because of this, it is frustrating to know that fake news is so prominent. We then have to worry about what is real and what isn’t when scrolling through headlines on social media. The misinformation problem is causing distrust with the platform. It all comes down to whether or not users are at risk by the fake news problem on Facebook. Users may not be at any direct risk, but one wrong headline can quickly cause panic. Users at times do not always not what is fake news or not and this can and has caused problems. Facebook needs to take initiative and face the problem head on.

Final Blog

Technology is an amazing thing. As the years go on, technology keeps increasing. From the launching of the man on the moon to everyday tech...